Hello, you lovely reader you, and a very happy Saturday to ya.
Mark and I are having an extremely productive day today. I’ll be traveling for work next week, so, on top of our normal Trader Joe’s run, I’ll be working to produce some kick-butt fall-inspired recipes to keep your hunger at bay this season. Any requests?!
That being said, I wanted to introduce a new series to Fooduzzi that dips a little more into my personal life. I’m constantly whipping out my phone in the hopes of capturing each and every glorious moment I experience during the week. And, because it’s fall, my phone has literally been attached to my hand at all hours of the day (don’t believe me? Follow me on Snapchat [@fooduzzi] to see all of my fall-themed shenanigans). For these reasons, and because this past week was really freakin’ exciting, here’s a fun little photo recap of a week in the life of a food blogger.
Mark and I ended up at his parents’ house over the weekend, so we made sure to grab some tea from our favorite local coffee shop and, of course, snap a pic in all of our cozy fall garb ;)
This is Mark’s parents’ cat, Lucy. I’m clearly obsessed with this cutie.
I ended up snatching a few Jonathan apples from Mark’s parents’ yard to make the recipes I posted this past week! Apple Pie Stuffed Apples, anyone?!
It got really stinkin’ chilly this week, so I’ve been hitting this Coconut Green Tea from TJ’s hard. Mark got me this tin for my birthday last year, and I’ve managed to make it last until now. Something tells me my supply will be depleting if this weather keeps up!
So, this week was ridiculously exciting for me. Like, #bestweekever material, people! First, I met up with Jessica from How Sweet It Is, who is such a fun and encouraging chick, and she invited me to a blogger get-together downtown. Delallo brought some of the bloggers they work with to town, and Jessica was sweet enough to invite me and allow me to fan-girl the entire time. Yep, I got to talk with Kathryne from Cookie and Kate, Lindsay from Pinch of Yum, Heidi from Foodie Crush, Gina from SkinnyTaste, and Ali from Gimme Some Oven all night long. Honestly, this night was one of the most exciting nights of my entire life. It’s incredible that these girls are able to get up and run their own businesses doing something they love every single day. They’re such an inspiring group of ladies!
We were served some killer drinks, like my Peach Ancho Mojito, and some beautiful desserts (I’m pretty sure this was some sort of s’more explosion on a plate…ridiculous). The Fairmont Hotel and Delallo seriously knew how to take care of us!
I ended up working from downtown on Thursday because I gave a presentation to my co-workers about tips and tricks that make packing a healthy lunch for work easier. Is that something that would be beneficial for you guys? I could post something similar on Fooduzzi soon if you’re interested!
Because Mark and I didn’t have time to go to the grocery store over the weekend, I packed this for lunch in a act of desperation:
Not my finest moment. Luckily, a farmers’ market was happening right outside our door during lunch. Not so luckily however, I spotted the most expensive apples in the world and had to buy them all because #honeycrisp.
Another exciting point of my week: it’s my brother’s birthday today! I was so thankful I could walk down to his apartment after work and catch up. Our parents met us downtown for a special birthday extravaganza at Nicki’s Thai Kitchen. I ordered the Pumpkin Curry, and it came out looking like this:
I felt like a freakin’ sultan. Everything was gold. There were doilies involved. BUT we had so much fun catching up and bonding over Thai food; it had been a while since the four of us were together. Happy birthday, Anthony!
Speaking of awesome family things, my grandma bought Mark and me a super snazzy wax melter, complete with 5 or 6 fall-scented wax “flavors.” To say we were excited was an understatement.
My popcorn addiction is fierce. Thank you, Costco.
Finally, Mark and I celebrated the long week with a nice and relaxing night in. We whipped up my Thai Peanut Burrito Bowls in just 30 minutes, and we feasted on mountains of Thai Peanut Sauce-smothered broccoli and brown rice. And, of course, wine. Come to mama.
How was your week? Eat anything interesting? Do anything fun?
Have a fabulous weekend, everyone! Stay classy!
Ummmm what?!?! I am seriously SO jealous of your blogger night out! Those women are such inspirations and that’s SO COOL you got to spend the night chatting them up!!! What an amazing opportunity :) SO exciting!
Ohh and I was at Nikki’s Thai Kitchen Downtown on Saturday night (last weekend) too while I was in town for a Bachelorette party. How funny!
Look at you with all the big dogs!!! That must have been SO much fun!
It was INCREDIBLE, Emilie! SUCH a fun night!
Yes on the healthy lunch ideas to take to work:))!!!! I’m always at a loss and get bored:(.
I TOTALLY understand – I’m right there with you ;) I’ll definitely work on the post!