My name is Alexa Peduzzi, and I am an oatmeal addict.
I figured this was a respectable way to start Fooduzzi – an admittance of my obsession with the lowly oat. Believe you me; they will be making many appearances here. I can honestly say I have had a bowl of oatmeal every day for about five months. I apologize for being a 99-year-old woman.
First, thank you so very much for stopping by. Fooduzzi is a way that I can document my growing love of all things “food” while connecting to the blogging community I have grown to adore so much.
I wouldn’t say I’m the best cook out there, but I’m learning. I’m also learning to love and nourish my body via the food I gobble. I’m hoping we’ll both come away with a wealth of new and impressive knowledge. Ya dig? I dig.
Anyway, let me introduce you to my favorite preparation of my wunder-oats. Warm and creamy oats delicately spiced and speckled with banana chunks and slices…have. mercy.
Bananas are a newfound love of mine. Loaded with potassium and fiber, these yellow awkwardly shaped beauties keep your heart tickin’. They’re velvety, sweet, and perfect for this preparation. We’re looking for a speckled variety. This is your new mantra: The darker the peel, the sweeter the fruit.
I add some salt to the mix to balance the sweetness of the banana. And really, oats need some salt to shine. They’re like the Taylor Swift’s red lipstick – I’m jealous of its perfection it’s the perfect accentuation. I choose Pink Himalayan Sea Salt when I can because I like to think I’m fancy and c’mon…it’s pink.
Cinnamon is my all-time favorite spice, and I just adore the Saigon Cinnamon from Costco. It’s cheap, super pungent, and incredibly flavorful. And it balances your blood sugar – it’s delicious and nutritious. I also add nutmeg. Because, you know, tis the season.
I doubled the amount of liquid in a normal bowl of oatmeal because I like mine extra creamy. This, of course, means that the oatmeal will take longer to cook. So if your time is more valuable than mine, feel free to decrease the liquid to one cup.
I highly encourage you to try this oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow. Or for lunch. Heck, I won’t judge you if you eat if for dinner, too. Don’t blame me if you get into an oat rut like me! It’s a beautiful place to be.
Banana Bread Oats

Cook: | Yield: 1 bowl | Total: |
Creamy, dreamy oats spiced and speckled with banana? Sounds like your new go-to breakfast!
You'll Need...
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (my favorite are Trader Joe's Gluten Free Rolled Oats)
- 2 cups liquid (I normally use water because I'm a poor college kid, but milk of any kind would be great)
- 1/2 brown-speckled banana, mashed
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Toppings: banana slices, extra milk, nuts, nut butters, spices, blueberries, flax/chia seeds, etc.
- Place your rolled oats in a medium saucepan, followed by your liquid. Add salt, banana, and spices, and cook over high heat until the liquid starts to boil.
- Stir the mixture, and immediately turn the heat down to medium-low. Keep the mixture at a gentle boil, stirring occasionally. Once you feel the mixture thickening, slightly increase the temperature to bring your mixture to a boil.
- Once you hear the boil sound more dry than wet, or when the mixture is thickened to your liking, remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the vanilla.
- Pour into a bowl of your choosing and top with your desired toppings. Recipe makes one serving.
Stay classy, internet friends!
Just made your Banana Oatmeal…so yummy!!!
An oldie but a goodie! :)