Time for another non-food-but-also-totally-filled-with-food-talk post!
I sat down all like, “I have no idea what I’m going to write about here”. Nearly 1,600 words later, it’s safe to say I found some stuff to talk about.
SO HI. Excited you’re here for another “lately” post! I love doing these as a way to, not only update you with what’s been going on in my life, but also just document the things I’m up to at a certain point in time.
Time is going so fast (it’s almost MAY, PEOPLE), so I love looking back at these from a year ago to see how much stuff has changed (or how much it hasn’t).
Before we hop in: Some links used in this post are affiliate links, which means if you order a product through the link, Fooduzzi makes some money (at no cost to you). All money is put directly back into making delicious plant-based yum here on the blog!
Ready? Let’s do it.
training: Still 100% laughing at myself to telling my friend I’d run a half-marathon with her this year.
I’ve never ran in my life. It always seemed boring, painful, and pointless. But alas, over beer and tacos a few months ago, my slightly inebriated self decided that yes, it was indeed time to train for a half-marathon.
I’m following this 20-week half-marathon training schedule, and it’s amazing. Super gradual, fairly simple to maintain, and easily completable before my race in July.

Granted, I totally underestimated how long it would take to actually like…train. It’s honestly like a part-time job. “Oh I can’t. I have to run 6 miles today,” is an actual excuse that I can and have used on a Friday night. It’s crazy.
But seriously: it’s not that bad. I’m not going to lie to you – it’s not great. Some days totally suck. Like a whole heck of a lot. I grunt and sweat and yell, “this sucks!!” to anyone who will listen. Plus I can’t stop and pet puppies while I’m running because I’m kind of afraid that I won’t be able to continue running after a floof break.
But then some days…I feel SO strong. SO able. SO powerful. It’s bizarre, man. I’ve never felt this empowered with a workout before. It’s really freaking cool.
I’ve found that running with friends is really a great motivator. I started running with a local group, and I’ll meet up with my friend Gretchen (pictured above!) whenever we’re both available.
I keep telling myself that it’ll never be easier than it is right now to train for one of these things. I just can’t wait for my first beer after running 13.1 miles.
2019 motto: If not now, when?
wearing: Obviously I needed some new running shoes for my training because my last pair of tennis shoes were from…wait for it…high school.
Told you I was never a runner.
I got two different pairs of Saucony shoes (these and these), and I’m really liking them. They’re nice and padded and cute.

If you’ve never ran before, I hiiiiighly recommend going to a running store to get fitted for shoes. I went in knowing nothing about running, and they know everything about running. It’s a good place to ask questions and get what’s right for you!
I’ve also been tracking my runs with my Fitbit Flex 2, and it’s been great. It talks to me during my runs so I’m not lonely or bored, and it lets me know my pace, my time, and my distance. Pretty slick!
Also wearing too much mascara when I run in the rain. Whoooops.

Also also in need of some supportive sports bras. TMI for a food blog? Maybe. But I’m desperate. Also don’t want to spend a ton of $$$ if it’s possible. Any recs? Plz.
listening: While running, I listen to podcasts. Actually, just one podcast. The Stuff You Should Know Podcast.
It’s from howstuffworks.com, and I love it. It’s kind of mindless, but you end up learning a lot about topics you don’t know much about but always wondered about. The beer episode is one of my faves!
Also got a subscription to Spotify! They’re doing this promotion right now that if you sign up for a premium Spotify account, you get Hulu for free. I like free things and downloadable music and podcasts, so I thought it was a good deal.
This is my current favorite Spotify playlist for working, and I love jamming to The Beatles while I’m in the kitchen!
watching: The only thing that matters: Game of Thrones.
AHH. Okay. The first two episodes of the season were nothing short of incredible. I sat on the edge of my seat, tears in my eyes, and love in my heart for all of these characters.
That’s why this weekend’s episode is bound to be a heartbreaker.
Regardless, I’m loving the season, and I’m staying far from spoilers or theories. I just want to kinda enjoy this last season, you know?
psst. Have you checked out these GOT cocktails yet?!

Because we have HBO right now, we also recently re-watched Silicon Valley, which is hysterical, and Veep, which is a big, beautiful mess. Julia Louis Dreyfus is a queen.
We also watched Letterkenny, and while I certainly do not recommend it for younger audiences, we thought it was beyond hysterical.
eating: Man, lots of different things recently! I tried a few new flavors of the Healthade Kombucha, and we looooved the Pink Lady Apple one. I did get one that had gone bad, but the others I’ve tried have been great.

Also got a few different veggie burgers at Trader Joe’s! I really love keeping these on-hand if:
- We’re running low on veggies
- I need a quick protein for a meal
- I’m just in the mood for a veggie burger
My all-time favorite will forever be the Hi-Protein Veggie Burgers (I bake them for a bit longer so they’re niiiice and crispy on the outside – SO good), but the Vegetable Marsala ones were great too.
ALSO. I went to a vegan fish fry a few weeks ago and wrote about it for a local site, and you can check out my review here! (spoiler alert: it was WILD)

I’m capturing a lot of the new vegan foods I’m trying on my Instagram Stories on Tuesdays in a little segment I call, “Taste Test Tuesday,” so be sure to follow along for more recs!
using: I found a new app that has literally changed my life. That sounds dramatic. It is. But it’s also true.
I’ve been a paper and pencil girl forever, okay? To-dos, notes, anything…it all went in a notebook or planner.
But then I constantly found myself where my planner…wasn’t. So when Mark recommended Notion to me, I was intrigued and quickly hooked.
I use it every day to make sure I’m on top of my you-know-what, to plan content for the blog, to track my half-marathon training, and more.
I’m obsessed, and if you’ve already heard me talk about it, I apologize. I just love it that much.

adoring: Maya has been doing this thing where she snuggles with me every single evening. She comes over to me on the couch and stares at me until I “prepare her blanket” and “arrange it just so.”
It’s ridiculous and high maintenance, but it’s been such a treat to look forward to every night.
Also: Mark and I celebrated our four year dating anniversary, and we went to the epic quad-fecta here in Pittsburgh:
- Adda – for coffee and wifi
- Urban Tap – for beer and fries
- Noodlehead – for the best Asian noodles eeeeever, also BYO!
- Millie’s – for dessert!
They’re all within the same block! Hitting all of these is my recommendation for one of the best “date days” in the burgh!

working: Man. Working so much recently. We’re just coming off a big project, and to say my brain is mush is an understatement.
But, the project went well, and things are slowly getting back to normal. It’s pretty funny how amazing “normal” feels when things have been busy for a few months. Love getting back into the swing of things!
reading: I haven’t been reading much thanks to just being busier than usual, but some recent and current reads include:
- The Cuckoo’s Calling – Actually by JK Rolling under a pseudonym, but it’s pretty good. I’m about a third of the way through it right now, and I’m liking it.
- The Silent Patient – This was a meh book for me. Everyone seemed to be freaking out about it, but it just didn’t keep me super entertained.
That’s about it right now! I also have Where the Forest Meets the Stars on loan, but I doubt I’ll get to it before it’s due back.

Still loving the library more and more. And the more I read, the more I want to write a book of my own. I’m putting that here to keep myself accountable.
Future Alexa: Just do it, okay?
looking: Forward to…so many things!
My family is going on a beer tour of PA in a few weeks, which should be awesome. Tröegs is one of my favorite breweries, so it’s definitely on the list.
(they’re the makers of this gem!)

Two of my best friends from high school are GETTING MARRIED in May, and I can’t believe it. So excited for them, and can’t wait to celebrate them! Also: when did we get old?!
Family vacation is coming up! Summer fun! Kayaking! Cute dresses!
Man. I just can’t wait for summer.
loving: Dark chocolate, coffee with soy milk, sleeping with the windows open, watching Hulu or playing Smash Bros (yes, a video game) with my guy, beer on the weekends, getting organized, the idea of cleaning out my closet even though it probably won’t happen, looking at pretty houses, inspiring photography, puppies, and you.
Thanks for reading, friend. And as always, here’s a floof picture for the road:

Same, girl. Same.
I’m so glad to hear that 20 week training plan is going well for you!! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about training along the way. <3
Chrissy it was amazing! I’m excited to try another training of yours to get a better time in my next half :)
i am SO mad that i somehow missed this post?! loved reading it and cant wait to see you. :)