Tell me if this sounds familiar…
You get this beautiful new cookbook. You flip through each page, dog-ear a ton of recipes that look “omg so good”…and then you put it on a shelf and forget about it.
Hi, my name is Alexa, and I never ever cook from my cookbooks.
I have so many cookbooks. Books from bloggers! Books from cooking show personalities! Books from random people I’ve never heard of before!
When I need a new recipe, I search online or make something up and go about my day. Or I resort to my old stand-by of brown rice, some sort of roasted veg, and chickpeas. aka. the meal I have approximately 5 times per week.
But there are pages upon pages of yum calling to me from my bookshelf, crying out, “EAT FROM ME!” and just waiting for their time to shine.
So! We’re starting a new series here on the blog called, “A Week of Meals.”
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